Bippity Boppity Boop

We grew up on fairytales but we know we what have seen in cinematic animation is not reality of true love. There is no such thing as a true love’s first kiss miraculously breaking curses installed by witches, but yet we continue to strive for a “prince charming”.

I’ll tell you this, these movies and story books did make me think that you only have one soul mate and that would be the beginning to a wonderful life with an stupendous ending! But, life does not work that way. Shoot thinking one person/man/woman just for you out of 8 billion people seems not plausible. First, there’s way more women than men! Second, is monogamy even realistic? Third, what if you’re asexual? LOL

I mean realistically, once you start to understand the way of the world, you realize, those stories, are just that, stories. Even worse, more of these fairytales were in fact gory/horror tales that became watered down for children. I mean Brothers Grimm Cinderella lost her feet! Snow White ends up being dropped in her which results in the Heimlich which pushes the piece of apple out, no kiss to wake her up.

Adulthood and reality really wakes you up to what is make believe and what is truly real life. I mean who’s to say there’s not tons of prince charmings and princesses for a person!!! At the end of the day, I think it’s time we step out of the make believe and start embracing what people are about and how after the butterflies and good feelings, come the hard part but maybe it’s worth it!!

One Track Mind

Good day readers,

Seems like it’s been an awful long time since I’ve divulged on my inner thoughts to you all.

Well, a lot has changed you see; I’m starting to settle into a new city, new job(s), and new hobbies.

First, I must say, although this environment is still taking some adjustments, I am happy to find some independence and stability in loving myself more. My new job is so diverse, and celebrates everyone’s differences; thus, enhancing our strengths. For my new hobbies, I have found a new love for nature by hiking and I started an incredible podcast with my two long time college friends. All in all, I am content, even happy and this took quite a long time to get to this point.

In other news, I think being at a point of selfishness is the best place to be. I’m working my ass off for a future I am unsure about. I know it will benefit me, but who knows whom else may come into the picture down the line. Hope it’s a cat or dog lol.

My one track mind just wants to be healthier honestly, inside and out. Not attaching my mind/heart to unnecessary/temporary matters. I keep reminding myself, will this matter in 5 years or in 10 years and if not, then let it go. I feel as we get older, we always think of what we could have in the future, but how often do we think about what we do not need in the future? That’s where I’m at in life.

That’s the one track on repeat. I wish I had more to say but my thoughts are all over and have been expressed predominately in conversations behind closed doors or even on a big platform of me in a podcast now. Lol it’s a lot but worth it, I like getting to hear my male and female counterpart opinions. So, you all tell me; what is the repeated track on your mind?

Qu’est-ce que L’amour

We all have heard about the big 3 loves. There’s your first love (naive love), the heartbreak love (almost breaks you), and then the “love of your life”.

I think what we may fail to realize is that these three loves may not always be three different people; and sometimes these loves may even be describing just one person, YOU!

I am my own forever love, my soul purpose in life is to do what I love and makes me feel loved, thus making my existence my first love; and the heartbreak? Oh, well how many times have you and I broken our own heart?

Either way, I see these descriptions of love within my own self reflection and within others I’ve loved, thought I loved, liked, and lusted for. Let’s be realistic, our hearts do not just deal with love; it deals with excitement, passion, and physical/mental/emotional satisfaction.

Then again, there’s all the different loves we fail to even discuss:

Philia — Affectionate Love
Pragma — Enduring Love
Storge — Familiar Love
Eros — Romantic Love
Ludus — Playful Love
Mania — Obsessive Love
Philautia — Self Love
Agape — Selfless Love

There are loves between family, friends, pets, lovers, partners, sexual encounters, and even God.

Love is something so limitless, it’s everywhere and such a huge focus the older we get and start to ponder on our livelihood but a lot of time, with temporary people, love is not the objective.

How many times has likeness driven an encounter, a relationship. Somewhat solid, but easily broken which is so similar to the concept of love. A strong connection that still can be easily broken.

How many times has there been likeness that felt so good yet was not worth the trouble of expanding further?

I think it’s more about compatibility than the concept of love or even likeness, and we all know how lust is the most temporary of all the L words we hold dear to us.

In the end forever mine, forever thine is a beautiful thought; but the love, like, lust I think we should focus on first is within ourselves. Everything else is a puzzle.
Qu’est-ce que l’amour?

Happy Merry Holidaze

Greetings all,

On the latest episode of analyzing one’s life, we present you with the consistency of holidays. As we eat good, give thanks, exchange presents, resolute a new year, spread love, and drink to celebrate these times off of work and near relatives; we put on genuine smiles and handle possible restraint.

Surrounded by people we love, do you often feel alone? Like there’s so much around, that it deactivates your social awareness instead of enticing it. I think there comes a time in everyone’s life where you start to isolate yourself, whether mentally/physically/emotionally; it just becomes this phase you get stuck in and you’re unsure of how to get yourself out.

I definitely am in a point in my life where I have love for so many people and I know they have love for me, well, I hope but I still feel alone. Like I cannot put my wall down anymore because of how many times I have been let down and in turn that makes me let down others. I believe this is what we call, self sabotage. I either say/do too much or say/do too little and it’s scary that you ruin your own livelihood because of this mental state.

I’m in a holidaze because around this time is definitely my happiest moments, but also, my saddest. The person/people I love/miss the most are around but also aren’t and sometimes I’m not able to express that I’m in this conflicting moment of lostness. I just do not know what to do anymore but I always hope and pray I start to feel good again because feelings are fleeting and this too shall pass.

Everyone have a happy holiday season!


Happy Spooktober fellow ghouls and goblins. It’s a new month full of possibilities. I will admit, I always try to remain optimistic, but my first full week of October was not a picnic and it reminded me that new information is not always a good thing.

Unfortunately, the wickedness of the world has attacked another person I love and it’s starting to take a toll on me having hope for a better tomorrow. I do not understand why bad things happen, but they continue to either to me or people I care about. My heart is weary and my mind is trying to think of the facts. Modern medicine, circumstance, etc. I immediately think of death unfortunately when I hear cancer; due to my past first experience dealing with it with my mother but I now have two people I care about that, for all intensive purposes, due to modern medicine will most likely live full, happy, and medicated lives.

I think what bothers me, is that, I know I cannot control every aspect of life but somethings I wish I did. I mean, we get tested for the breast cancer gene, try to eat better, exercise, avoid things that can contribute to causing cancer AND YET, it still comes? It scares me.

It almost makes me think of generational curses, cancer continues to attack not just my family but many others and I’m wondering why is cancer occurring? Why is it necessary to happen? It seems like there is no need for these health issues and it bothers me that there is no peace.

All in all, cancer sucks. We know it and October is the month of Breast Cancer Awareness, so I implore every man and woman reading this, whether it runs in your family or not, get tested today! The sooner you know is always the better. I do not have the gene and the women of my family do/did not either but yet it still came, I just know that once I turn 30 not even 40, I will do annual mammograms because either way, it’s too close to home for me. It’s on both my maternal and paternal side, I must be diligent.

This is more a blog of expression, of needed release and I thank you all for reading. Comment with your thoughts and even ideas for future topics, thank you!

A Woman’s Voice

Recently, there has been a lot of conversation around women’s rights; well when I say recently, I mean since 1848 with the first women’s rights movement was established. So, for a little over 170 years, there’s been a pushing for equal pay, fair healthcare, childcare, and respect – the forefront of this battle.

In general, minority (women & people of color & the queer community) rights aka civil rights, occurred due to the discriminatory patterns many noticed. Being treated differently continues to happen and it is okay to talk about it.

A lot of times, we become uncomfortable & confrontational when we discuss such sensitive topics. The main issue that bothers me, is that one cannot talk about the actual occurrences happening in their and other’s worlds; without society trying to hush/disprove what myself, as a biracial and bisexual woman has experienced/has knowledge of.

The truth is, this topic should make you uncomfortable, it should make you think about other injustices one has experienced/witnessed. But to fight the good fight, there should not be a battle of who has it worse, but more of, how can we stop these biased acts from occurring.

Problems are problems, no matter how big or small, no matter who it is happening too. To keep trying to one up who has it worse, is not the best effort to conquer prejudices. What happened to being each other’s allies?

Seems like the more we highlight factual bias, the more others try to highlight other bias to dishinder light on the bias one chooses to focus on. Just because I resonate with these immoral concerns, does not mean I have forgotten about other people’s pain and suffering.

I empathize with all the injustices, I recognize them; and hope one day, we can start to treat each other based off merit and moral rather than race, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, etc.; especially if who you are and what you believe does not hurt the people around you or the world.

It’s disheartening, that I cannot speak about a woman’s pain without being challenged. It is stressful, to have to reiterate the truths of this biased world because I am a woman with a voice. Imagine if every woman in the world remained silent. Where would we be?

Racial Inequalities within Romantic Relationships

Ahhh the buzz topic of the world being discussed within your romantic endeavors. Sophia, will this be too much of messy situation; or can we acknowledge this is something that should be talked about?

Well, if any of you have seen the awesome social experiment of a show, “Love is Blind”; you may be aware they released three new episodes titled, “After the Altar”, which follows the couples and individuals two years after either getting married or being left at the altar.

Now, this was a huge moment for television, as well as dating history; because people where falling in love by only talking with a person without seeing their face and body. No sexual contact of course as well. It was solely through verbal interactions, that these men and women got to learn about each other and ultimately decide if they want to tie the knot.

Following these couples journeys gave me hope that love is out there and maybe approaching it in a non-traditional sense is effect. As we know many arranged marriages can be very successful; but it also made me question, can emotional ties have you overlook demographic differences? For all intensive purposes, the answer is yes; but I feel a full dissection of this question is needed and an example too.

Now the example I’ll discuss touches home for me, and I will be vulnerable and give you some details I have experienced.

The first thing I observed in these latest episodes was the daunting yet glamorous relationship of Damian and Gigi. For background information; Damian is 29, white, tall, muscular, and honestly playing games with Gigi. Gigi is 27, hispanic, social media connoisseur, and was left at the altar by Damian. But these two proceeded to date after to really get to know each other more and continue the love they did share for each other. The fact of the matter is, they are on and off again, without clear boundaries in mind during their “breaks”. There is also the topic of Gigi’s personality and racial qualities that come into topic occasionally throughout the show. Whether these aspects of her are brought up by her, her family, or even Damian himself; it is quickly tossed aside.

The triggering stereotype of hispanic/latina women being loud, dramatic, indecisive, and a lot to handle is brought up and although may be held as truth at times, even acknowledged by Gigi and her family; it creates this energy/excuse of why Gigi is unmarriable and Damian has the right to play games, that he is a victim.

When in reality, he cannot handle Gigi or is not willing too. For me, I have definitely seen first hand how racial stigma/stereotypes can make or break a relationship.

Me being biracial, puerto rican and black, has always given me an internal struggle of where I belong and I have noticed me not being fully black when I am with certain black men gives off this vibe that I cannot understand or be black enough. On top of race, I feel the lack of education on age, body type, and sex(M/F) is barely ever digested/understood when being in a relationship. People become uncomfortable acknowledging different ethnicities, ages, bodies, and sexes. We cannot always be open or receive openness in discussing how being a certain age or having certain body issues or backgrounds has shaped us. It’s scary to be in the dating world with the lack of maturity and education is prominent in mainstream media; it just reinforces my idea that maybe we are not as ready for relationships as we think we are.

I believe Damian has a lot to learn and maybe should focus on himself or even what he is used too, because it is evident Gigi is not someone he loves enough to embrace and work on their relationship for.

I believe the experiences I have had regarding my races, body, age, and sex has inherently halted my pursuit in a partner and even deteriorated my faith in dating men in general. I am running out of patience and starting to believe we cannot always be paired up for life. I know many young and older men/women whom have chosen a life of solitude and even though I remain hopeful, I’m starting to grow comfortable in the idea that sometimes you may not find marriage, a boyfriend/girlfriend/, a sexual equal. I am not sure what the future holds for us in the single world; but I sure as hell hope, we can start to become more open with discussing/acknowledging/learning about our differences and working on how we can coexist…..

Fed Up!

Happy go lucky Sophia is known across the land to put on a smile and appease everyone. But she’s noticing when it comes to her wants and needs, motherfuckers can care less. I’m tired of people telling me how I feel. I love myself and am enjoying this adventure we call life, but continuously, time and time again; people know exactly what to do to make me question everything and truly hate my nice self. I try to turn the other cheek, I try to wish people the best; but I’m honestly over this shit. I can’t take this give 110% get .02% return; taxes are easier than human connection which is ridiculous to say the least. I’m giving up on connecting with others. I’m going to stop hitting people up first and see if I’m even truly missed, because in this life, I’m noticing nobody fucking cares about me. I could disappear and wouldn’t be a thought in anyone’s mind. I try my best, but I don’t even want to smile at anyone anymore. What’s the fucking point right? Because when I’m happy, people say I’m not. And when I’m not happy, people say I have so much to be smiling about. Pick a fucking side and stick with it. I realize you are born alone and die alone. Might as well live alone too.

You Have Always Been Enough

I recently decided that sometimes, I need to branch out by myself. It’s hard to get out of your comfort zone, the world pushes this agenda that you must always be around people.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m heavily a people person. But my happiness 100% of the time, relied on others!

That was not healthy….

We know this, acknowledge this, and have to make a change.

I had to make a change.

I have started to book trips, where I’m travelling alone. I love travelling with my friends, and definitely made plans to do so as well; but I felt it was time to be comfortable with myself.

I have always enjoyed the occasional solo date, but to get on a plane with no one, to stay in a hotel alone, no love interest, no bootycall lol was a lot for me.

I kept yearning for a love that I need to explore within myself.

I think for me, I felt like I was not enough for people and overcompensated a lot by doing things for and with others; but the actuality seems to be I’m wholeheartedly enough and need to relax and love myself more.

I neglected my own heart/mind/body/soul. I was installed that I need to hear I love you from others, when in actuality, I need to say it to myself more.

It’s okay to just want yourself. It is okay for others to just want themselves too.

I am enough, always have been and always will be.

You are enough.


What Goes Up, Must Come Down

The famous law of gravity, although I am no scientist, I feel like I am way too familiar with this concept – like I’m sure the many of you are. I have been on another mega hiatus, as I have been in sort of an early life, mid life crisis if you will.

Life has been unpredictable, as always, I’ve been dealing with this up and down business aka the law of gravity. Which is a mega component in my story, there’s also the law of attraction that seems to be well broken.

I continue to try to be nice, comforting, honest, carefree, etc….if you know me, you know me….but the universe keeps trying to get me to become hard, mean, uncomfortable, and downright bitchy. I seem to be losing focus on why should I continue to be this woman, whom simply gets stomped on? Wtf is this about?

I feel bad, I talked shit out of anger….did shit out of loneliness and spite and I’m still not found, just lost. It’s safe to say, I really have no idea what I am doing. And with all this confusion, I am tired…..

I am tired of hitting people up first, of making an effort to go here and there with no resolve. Sometimes, it seems pointless to even try with anybody or anything.

Words continue to cut deep, oh you so real & oh you so honest, becomes you’re too much, you’re not what I expected. Am I not worthy of being me?

My smile is forced, my heart is heavy, and my body is numb….yet, I keep remaining hopeful that my dreams come true. My career, my health, my family, and my heart will one day be where I imagine it to be. For now, I keep going through the (e)motions. Riding the wave that keeps going up and down…

I usually am giving the guidance, but man I sure need it right now…..I’m taking a small vacation soon specifically around the time of my deceased mom’s birthday, I think of her a lot when feeling like this because I know my actions would be different if I had her around but I digress. Hopefully this time, I fall in love with myself again…